晴天に恵まれ暑い日差しと涼しい秋風が感じられる金時山 鳥の鳴き声、植物の香りを感じながら幼少の自然体験のお話を楽しみました。 お客様の地元での朴葉寿司体験のお話がとても印象的でした。 山頂に到着後は金太郎茶屋様の味噌汁をいただき。 登山の疲れを癒しました。
Kintoki Mountain, blessed with clear skies, hot sunshine, and cool autumn breezes. We enjoyed talking about our childhood nature experiences while listening to birdsong and smelling the fragrance of plants. I was very impressed by the stories our guests told us about their local “hoba-zushi” sushi experience. After arriving at the summit, we enjoyed miso soup at Kintaro-jaya to relieve the fatigue of climbing the mountain.