少し肌寒く雨降る仙石原の小道 淹れたてのコーヒーであたたまり 紅葉とお池の景色をのんびり眺めました。
A little chilly and rainy on the paths of Sengokuhara Warming up with a cup of freshly brewed coffee I took my time to enjoy the view of autumn leaves and the pond.

少し肌寒く雨降る仙石原の小道 淹れたてのコーヒーであたたまり 紅葉とお池の景色をのんびり眺めました。
A little chilly and rainy on the paths of Sengokuhara Warming up with a cup of freshly brewed coffee I took my time to enjoy the view of autumn leaves and the pond.